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The Australian

Society for Technical Communication


The Australian Society for Technical Communication (ASTC) Incorporated promotes and supports people who design, write and edit technical and business information.
Technical communicators work with text, images, sound and video as needed.

ASTC 2020 Conference

Done and dusted in November! Highlights and a review coming soon.

Connect with your profession.
Learn from your peers.

ASTC latest news and upcoming events

40% off Grammarly!

Now available! ASTC members receive a 40% discount on Grammarly Premium. That's a $55 saving! Log in to find more discounts.

How to be an Efficient Writer

In her online course, Dr Marina Hurley provides steps you can use irrespective of your topic, background, level of writing experience or document type, 

Australian Govt Style Manual

New version online! Essential for everyone who writes and edits Australian content.

2021 conference planning

Would you like to present? Do you have a topic you'd like to hear about? Know a great speaker we can contact?
Let us know!






The ASTC promotes networking in many ways.
Our annual conference is the main networking event, but we also have formal and informal meet-ups and our social media.
Technical communicators often work alone, or maybe in a small team.
Our networking allows for support and sharing of information and ideas, and to meet other people in similar roles.


The ASTC supports professional development through education and learning to keep up with changes in the way we work and the tools we use.
We are always looking for new opportunities for members and non-members to update or advance our knowledge and skills.
Training delivery has changed dramatically and now allows access to content both locally and globally.


We support the interests of our members by developing strong relationships with industry, government and educational institutions.
Where needed, we can provide advice and guidance about the knowledge and skills of our profession.
We promote technical communication best practice and showcase our profession. We show the added value of engaging our members and the benefits we can provide to businesses.


We have exchanged agreements with some related societies and associations within Australasia and around the world.
This often allows us to provide opportunities for our members to take advantage of extra opportunities or services at member rates.
We also provide a job advertisement for our members through an elective subscription email.

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