Annual General Meeting 2023
ASTC Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 18 Oct 2023 at 8:30 PM AEDT
This members-only meeting will be held using Zoom, so you can attend no matter where you are. Typically, the AGM takes about 45 minutes.
You are welcome to stay and chat after the meeting. This is a chance to get to know other members and let us know if you have suggestions for things you would like the society to do on your behalf.
How to attend
Please email our administrator, Karen, at info@astc.org.au to let her know you'd like to attend. You'll receive a Zoom link a few days before the meeting.
Become a committee member!
The current committee comprises a group of dedicated volunteers who make the ASTC function – why not consider nominating for next years’ committee? There are plenty of ways you can contribute and add your ideas to the mix. Apart from the monthly meeting, your time commitment is totally flexible.
The monthly committee meeting is via Zoom and generally lasts around one hour. Apart from contributing to the good of the society, you're also contributing to the technical communications industry in general - and dare I say it, it can be very satisfying.
You can nominate for:
Vice President
General Committee
To nominate, you must be a current financial member of the ASTC at the time of the AGM, and be seconded by another member. We'll publish nomination details on this AGM page as they are received. You can nominate at the AGM, but it's always better to nominate earlier to give voting members time to consider the nominations.
How to nominate for the Committee
Complete the nomination form as early as possible but preferably before COB, Monday 16 October 2023.​
If there are multiple nominations for a position, there will be a ballot held. Having your nomination in early will give members time to consider who they wish to vote for.
How to vote
You'll be able to vote via the polling tool on Zoom. If you can't attend the meeting, you can appoint a proxy to vote in your place by downloading the proxy form, completing and returning it to info@astc.org.au by COB, Monday 16 October 2023.
Please join us and support your society.
Connect with your profession.
Learn from your peers.
AGM 2023 Agenda
7. Discharge the Committee and elect the
new Committee Members
8. Other business
9. Close the meeting.
ASTC committee
A group of dedicated technical communication professionals make up the ASTC Committee each year. Our committee members volunteer their time to plan and manage the ASTC's program and meet the regulatory responsibilities of the committee and their committee roles.
The committee of four compulsory office-bearer and a number of ordinary member positions, as determined by the committee, is elected at the ASTC's Annual General Meeting.
2023-24 committee nominations
Nominee Details
Angela Tohl
Colin Sheppard
Jason Xiros
Grant Noble
Julia Ponder
Sarah Stubbs